Music for toddlers and parents?

AS my daughter reached 20 months, she gets actively interested not only in switching my McIntosh-amps, but in listening to music, too. As the mother does rarely allow my former Mahler to ZZ Top-regime - what decent music is there that small children like, but will not let me want to hang myself, too?
Florian Hassel
Kids love what parents love, as toddlers. You need to "own" the stereo and play what you like. Occasionally it can be toddler-time and you can put on Raffi and kid oriented CDs and LPs, but don't expect to like it.

You need to deal with the mother not the kids. Kids can deal with almost anything. I play trumpet and there was initial worries about my ability to practice. Well, the kids fell asleep during trumpet practice. Three daughters and two grand-daughters later I'm still playing trumpet and they still fall asleep occasionally in the middle of it all. Don't change your routine.

Get the kids some music they'll like, but don't expect to like it also. They will like yours. I still cherish the memory of my daughters getting up early and sitting beside me while I listened to Biber, Gabrielli, Bach, Finzi, James Taylor, Lauri Anderson, etc. and had my morning coffee. They say they remember those times also.

Call me, Experienced.
Dave Van Ronk's folk version of Peter and the Wolf is a hoot. The cd has a few other funny songs that my kids (and me, the big kid) enjoyed greatly.
when mine were tykes, i was into a heavy coltrane phase (the Impluse years); but there was an wide mix from Tull to Piazola. After all that, the one thing I think they learned was that appeals to most (the mainstream) satisfies the fewest..
Hazel, my 2 year old, loves the Duke Ellington standards. When she wants to hear them, I'm told;

"Jazz Music, Daddy!"

Can't beat that.

My son loves Tchaikovsky's music. He first heard it when he was about two.
I would recommend The Nutcracker or Swan Lake. Accompany it with a fairy tale initially while the music is playing. Kids have great imagination and they enjoy a good story with good music.