Canadian Musicians

It recently occured to me that I like and listen to an awfully high percentage of Canadian music.
I am quite happy to make this confession because/although I am not Canadian.[Aussie]

Some of the Canadian artists I regularly listen to are-Bruce Cockburn,The Flying Bulgars,Holly Cole,Jane Siberry,Leonard Cohen,Mc Gariggle Sisters,Martha Wainwright,Rufus Wainwright,KD Lang,Neil Young,Blue Rodeo,Joni Mitchell,Ron Sexsmith,Harry Manx,Sarah McLachlan and Diana Krall.

I was hoping to expand this list and would be grateful for any other suggestions of good Canadian music in a similar vain[please no Rush suggestions].I'm sure that like many great Australian musos some great Canadians get little recognition outside of their own country.
If it is well recorded too that would be a real bonus.
A brief description of what type of music any suggestions typify would also help.

I second the Duhks. Also saw the Mammals back up and play with Arlo Guthrie last year, that was great. They all know one another, all very talented.
Cant say enough about the Duhks new album Migrations. Listening to it now, saw them live weeks ago, fantastic, I love these guys!
An upcoming female jazz singer that you might enjoy if you like Dianna Krall is Chantal Chamberland. Nicely recorded CDs, if perhaps just a touch on the mellow side (I saw her live recently and I liked the fact that she cranked things up a notch.... she can really belt it when it's appropos!).

I am not sure if the Rankin family is here so I will suggest it. Some of the most amazing female vocals recorded. I think by your list you should also try Hawksley Workman and his Lover Fighter album was done well. Others include Uzeb (Jazz)Don Ross on acoustic guitar and recorded very well. And I am sorry but because I am canadian I have to suggest RUSH.

If you want to hear some kick-butt, groovin' jazz, check out the Montreal group Les Projectionnistes

The Wainwrights are personal favorites. Martha's voice is spine chilling.

And how about them Barenaked Ladies? :-)