I think it is time to retire

Based on what my ears tell me the following should retire from putting out new material. Like great athletes (Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, Jim Kelly etc.) who played long after they should have retired, these people should stop cheapening their great careers.

Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Donald Fagen, David Gilmore, Roger Waters, Elton John are some that come to mind. I would like to know what others think of these people’s efforts to keep it going. I would also like to hear of any additions to my list.

Maybe they should get on steroids?
Every time I see a post like this, I feel compelled to respond.
How do you benefit from their retirement? Just wondering. If you don't benefit, why is it so important to you that they retire? If you are more concerned with their 'musical legacies' than they themselves appear to be, perhaps a change of perspective and a re-direction of your energy towards pursuits that are beneficial to YOU might be just the ticket.
And if artists had listened to those that said they should hang it up, well........

Pete Townshend wouldn't have made "Empty Glass" (remember, they've been calling him too old since 1975.)
Dylan wouldn't have made "Blood on the Tracks".
Neil Young wouldn't have made "Ragged Glory".

Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and John Lee Hooker might not be familiar names to any of us.

Franz Josef Haydn wouldn't have composed "The Creation".

I'm compelled to ask you - What's the potential up-side (for us) to their retirements? I think I understand and see the very real down-side.

Would you sleep better at night if you knew that "old guys" like Bruce Springsteen and Elvis Costello wouldn't be "troubling you" with more of their music?

Again, just wondering...

I just got tics to see Waters do "Dark Side of the Moon" At the Hollywood Bowl. I'll just have to get back to you I guess
That's a tough one to call. I've seen bands the last few years that are a 'lite' version of what they once were, but I don't know if I'd say they should retire.

I would agree with 'the stones' they should have retired back inb the 70's when keith first died. How long has he been dead now, or does he just look like the crypt keeper???

Elton John used to be a great musician, now I'm not sure what he is doing?!?

It seems like there's a lot of bands that put out LPs/CDs just to prove they've got nothing left to say.

As reinforcement for that thought, I read an interview with Kerry Livgren (currently with Proto-Kaw) who when asked if he would ever record with Kansas again replied, "Why, what do they have left to say?" Amen Kerry!
Tvad, I think is right: this thread seems a bit nasty.

Talented people who have sold out should retire, age has nothing to do with it. I'm thinking of Stevie Wonder, my childhood hero. I just saw a commercial for diamonds that used 'Isn't she lovely.' Disgusting. The last thing a black person from any country should be endorsing is the diamond industry. His music for the last two decades is embarrassing.

Someone had a quick interview with Sheryl Crow at one of the grammies and commented on her bracelet: a diamond studded thing that spelled out PEACE in big letters. She said "Nothing says peace like diamonds." A quote to go down in infamy, if you ask me.
Kubla, I agree but it is very possible that Stevie Wonder doesn't have control over his catalog anymore.