What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
Best Post so far on this thread:

"01-23-06: Papertrail
If we all knew half as much as we think we do, we would all be twice as smart as we really are. Present company included. One thing I have learned---the longer I live the less I am sure about what I do know."

I had to go through the same thing (minus the legal part) at the beginning of last year. I'm glad 2005 is over. Someone else can have it.

Hang in there - it gets much better (you know but it's good to hear anyway) - it just seems to take forever sometimes.

Take care!
Third try... Randy Newman's 'Political Science' and Kingston Trio's 'Merry Minuet'. Interesting that I can't get posted but others can make what are, arguably, very provocative comments.
Rob, Thanks. I think I thought of that, but I could stand to be corrected. Usually my best ideas were thought of by somebody before me anyway. As the good book says, "there's nothing new under the sun".
We are the world,
we are the children,
we are the ones who make a brighter day
so lets start giving.
There are people dieing,
we're giving our own lives,
it's time to make a better day,
just me and you.