What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
The Nazis were invading and overthrowing Europe. They killed and tortured millions of people. They performed experiemental operations on thousands of their victums, used the skin of jewish babies to make lampshades, and gassed innocent people, etc. etc. etc. How could anyone use the word noble in relation to the Nazis???

The Iraqis haven't done anything to us. Yes, Saddam did some saber rattling at the US. But we invaded their country, overthrew their government, occupy their country, and have killed thousands of innocent Iraqis, all under false WMD assumptions. We even used White Phosphourus as a chemical weapon in Fallujah, which not only hit the insurgents, but also many civilians. Can you imagine the outcry if the insurgents used White Phosphourus on our troops?

When Jessica Lynch was captured by the insurgents, Bush demanded that they adhere to the Geneva Convention in the treatment of prisoners of war. Yet, he thinks he is above the rules of war in the treatment of prisoners.

God bless our troops, and God help our government!
The line between our current government and a Fortune 500 Company has become indiscernable. My song of the year Edwin Starr's "WAR".
Rosstaman, thank you. Thats it in a nutshell, as Austin Powers would say..."help, I'm in a nut shell".

If only it was that simple Rosstaman. World politics is much more complex than your binary thinking.

I'm sure when he leaves office in a few years the world will magically become a better place.

Oh by the way Congress, both Clinton's, most of America, and other countries also felt we needed to go into Iraq.

If Iraq isn't important than why does Bin Laden want us out so bad?

Just a few questions that I hope makes it past the A'gon staff. They've blocked 2 of my posts and counting - I guess they only let posts they agree with through.
Here is a partial list of people who also thought and insisted publicly that Saddam had WMDs and also engaged in or recommended military action:

Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Madelyn Albright
John Kerry

Again, if Iraq is not a part of the terrorist network, why are they fighting so hard to take control of it? And nobody on this thread said the Nazis were noble. Come on, people, these things can't be that complex that even slightly subtle and contexual discussions confuse you?

Oh yeah, good old Fallujah. We sat on our asses for 6 months while the enemy took over the city, fortified, armed, resupplied with weapons and even fake uniforms, before we did anything. And we didn't do anything until giving the civilians 4 weeks to leave. The Taliban had taken over and were turning it into little Afganistan. And when we did go in we fought so softly that if we'd done it that way in WWII we'd still be fighting in North Africa.

And Rosstaman? Jessica Lynch was raped & assulted and on crutches 2 months after resuce. There, that make ya feel better?