"best" version for "Toccata and Fugue D minor?

please vote for your "best" version of Toccata and Fugue in D minor, red book CD format. Thanks.
I stick with classic performances from the LP days, such as, E Power Biggs on Columbia and Karl Richter on DGG. Both have been released on CD also. If pressed for picking only one, I would pick the Karl Richter for slightly more impressive sound.
E. Power Biggs, Peter Hurford, and Kevin Bowyer would all make up my short list.
I'm a pipe organ buff, so naturally I have a great many versions of this ubiquitous warhorse. If I could keep only one, it would be Michael Murray's on Telarc, played on the great organ of First Congregational Church, Los Angeles. An excellent recording of a powerful performance.
While the Murray recording is good, I still am lukewarm about his performances, though there's never a technical mistake. I prefer Christopher Herrick on the Hyperion label, probably influenced in part by the fact I've gotten to know him and am impressed both by his scholarly approach to Bach as well as his playing. The Guillou is also a good version, has a lot more fire than Murray's. And if you want something completely different and don't mind some liberties taken in registration and a very dry organ sound, Virgil Fox's recording, both the direct to disc vinyl and the CD version, is an exciting, though admittedly eccentric, version.