Any experience with Esoteric K-05?

I have an aging Cary Audio 306 SACD and thinking about a replacement soon. The K-05 is in a similar price range (at around US$8k) and I wondered whether there was any experience out there with this relatively new machine?

I would be interested in hearing from owners or people who have auditioned the Esoteric K-05. What are the players strenghts and weaknesses? What are its sonic traits? If you listened and did not buy - why not?

The rest of my system is a Gryphon Diablo integrated amp, Raidho Acoustics D-2 (diamond) speakers and Nordost Valhalla cables. Thanks!
As much as I like the K-05, if I could do this all over again, I would seriously consider the K-03. I feel the 05 is outstanding at its price point and a top contender in the sub $10K price point. The K-03 is better but the price is 30% more as well.

FYI, there's an Esoteric forum/room on audioaficionado with plenty of k-series discussion.
Agree with you Gordon. I'm part of that discussion in AA as well. Many audiophiles have purchased the K-03 and some have even upgraded to the K-01. The Esoteric K series players are outstanding.

Thanks Gordon and Mike. I have also read the commentary on AA including Mikes excellent overview. Looking for expanded input because the AA site seems to be a bit of fan club. Nothing wrong with that - but no product can be perfect for all systems and tastes and it is a very significant worry that there is vertually no criticism of the product. I have not been able to get hold of a K-05 for demo but have managed to get a K-03 to try and I am doing so at time of writting.
Kiwi, I had K-05 (in black),also had K-03 and now have K-01. K-05 is a good player but not as resolving as K-03 and K-01, it is very musical so. Also the one I got for the first 50 hours made audible noise (mechanical) during playback, but it went away after. I think the sweet spot in current esoteric line-up is K-03. I agree that AA forum is more like a fun club, especially that its moderator is a dealer for esoteric, but current K models when burned for at least 500 hours become very natural sounding players with great dynamics and details. When new they sound dry and little harsh.
You have great integrated and speakers, I think to hear their full potential you have to go with K-03 if you set on esoteric brand. Based on my personal experience, the esoteric service is outstanding. When I expessed my concern that my k-05 making noise they offered new player or upgrade to higher models without any hesitation.