Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners

I am searching for the right amp for these speakers and was hoping to hear from as many 3.7 owners as possible regarding what amp you are using, why you like it and which ones you have not liked. Thanks in advance for your help with my quest..

Don't despair, Vhiner,

If you're fast on the draw, you can sometimes find a used VAC Phi 200 on A'gon for about $5000. Not chump change, but better than $10,000! But you do have to ready to pull the trigger right away, as it's rare that someone will part with their amp unless they're upgrading to a bigger VAC.

If you find yourself in San Francisco, come over for a listen. But don't blame me if you sell your car...

07-13-13: Vhiner

Someone at Thiel told me awhile back that they were very, very pleased with how the Hegel drove the 3.7's. Do you remember which model it was? Their flagship is out of my price range.

It was actually their H300 integrated (with DAC, $5500 new), not even the big boy.

Also, I heard the 2.7s at last years RMAF, and simply didn't like them. Could have been the room, but it was setup by Thiel and was supposed to be the speakers' "unveiling ceremony," so I was sad not to be even slightly moved. I was happy that it solidified my desire to finish my speaker upgrade path with the 3.7s though. I hope I'm wrong, but I feel like they will go down as the last great feat of the company now that Jim is gone.

And dammit, I don't usually fall prey to people talking up components, but I'm going to have to add a VAC amp to the list of interest. That was effective effusement.
BAT VK-600 is also another option.

It is more affordable than VAC and HEGEL.

You wont find many used HEGEL or VAC at 50% discount. But BAT frequently seen on AGon.

A trip to San Francisco is a joy in and of itself...hearing the VAC/3.7 combo would be sublime. Next time I'm out there, I'll drop you a line. Thanks for all the info!

Cal3713: "And dammit, I don't usually fall prey to people talking up components, but I'm going to have to add a VAC amp to the list of interest. That was effective effusement."

Thanks. I've been told I may have potential as a door to door religious cult rep. Tempting as that may be, the audio cult is more than enough for me, and I've been paying dues ( in the $thousands every year ) for a long time! I'm sure others on this thread can relate.

Anyway, I loved your use of "effective effusement," a term I have not heard before. Thanks for recognizing my effective effusement efforts! Gotta love alliteration!