Upgrade my amp again

Hi. For some reason, I am not able to reply directly to the thread below. But in response:
Well this is all really interesting. (To Rich, no the row house system is distinct, and I will definitely use mini monitors there.). As for the PSB's in this other room, this is really interesting advice. I had never had floor standers, and was really seduced by the reviews, but maybe it isn't the right speaker for the space. (I am new to this.) To Phaelon, do you mean the Totem Model 1 Signature? What amp would you put with them? And is the general issue about right amp for a speaker about the ratio (ie double the watts at 4 ohms) or is there an absolute number? Ie: ideally you would like 80 watts for a 4 ohm speaker? Thanks again!
"I haven’t heard his speakers”

Mcanaday - Beg your pardon ma’am; I shoudn’t have assumed.
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I always appreciate your contributions Bob... they're well thought out and I’ve learned by them.
Hi all-
As always, I learn a lot from the conversation here and am grateful to all who weighed in. (I have only been slow to respond because I've been stuck cleaning the basement all weekend. It's clean now!) To respond to some of what has been raised here: it is quite possible that these speakers are all wrong for the room. I am enjoying them, but I am new to this. It's possible I have no idea how good the really good stuff can sound. The limits of the room (ie ceiling height) are what they are, though, and I am always going to have to live with that. It does seem like whether or not a mini monitor would be better for the space, there seems to be consensus that a better amp wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll probably start there, and then think about changing the speaker or adding a sub after that (depending on how the new amp sounds). A few other comments. Thanks, Bob, for your advice. I will read Dr. Toole! And thanks too, Phaelon. No worries at all about the gender mix up (I'm assuming that 95% of the folks who post on these sites are guys, so it was a pretty fair assumption!) To Zd542...the issue was not breaking up or distortion. Only that rock doesn't sound crisp, clean, or detailed on this system. As for what music I like: jazz, blues, country, rock, pop, etc. To TLS49 or anyone else, I am a bit confused about which number matters when deciding if an amp has enough power for my speaker. You have recommended an amp that is above 100 wpc. So to take an example, the Musical Fidelity M3i is 76 wpc, but that is 76 into 8 ohms and 137 into 4 ohms. My assumption is that this amp would be powerful enough (because of the 137 number.) Is this correct? Thanks again, guys, for all the good advice. I am having a lot of fun trying to figure this all out. Lots to learn! cheers, Margot
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