Which amps cannot be repaired locally?

Hi all. I purchased a Niles S-1260 a few years ago and it started shutting down recently after a few minutes of play. I called Niles and they asked I ship it to Louisville for a $650 flat fee plus shipping -- they charge that for any repair. I decided to take it somewhere locally and they could not find spare parts (a controller board or controller board IC). I called Niles, the regional rep and the local rep and none could provide me a controller board or any spare parts. Had I known that, I would never have purchased Niles. Are there other companies with similar policies about not providing spare parts for local repair? Thanks
No one in my area (denver included) wants to work on Classe amps. Gotta send it back to classe if I ever have an issue, and shipping on heavy amps to somewhere outside the country ain't cheap. I think musical fidelity is a pain to get fixed too. I'm definately taking how easy it is to get something warrantied or fixed into consideration on ALL of my future audio purchases.
If you can purchase a new unit(with return policy) and look under the box to ID the chip inside, you can find it for your unit. Being a techie myself, I'd swap the boards and return unit back as not working. Here you find dealer that have a return shipping policy for all your needs and deeds.

For them manufacturers it would only take a few bucks to swap while for you is $650+shipping.

You can also follow the link bellow:
[url]https://sites.google.com/site/sonylcdrptvproblems/small-claims-lawsuits[/url] to go legal way.
Thanks Marakanetz. Sorry for the delay. Good ideas.

B_limo, sounds like anything super heavy is a pain to repair.

On the bright side, when I had trouble with my Olympia amp a few years ago (from PBN), the owner flew out from San Diego to visit me in Charlotte and repaired the unit at my home. I'm still blown away by that. I was a pretty good customer and that may have helped, but it's nice to see some character out there.