Light switch and amp

I have old Exposure XV Super. On one paticular listening session later at night 1100 pm the amp just seemed super sensitive. To the point I could here a small nosie when I turned the light switch on and off in the room through the speakers.

This is has only happen once since I got the amp a month ago. What causes this effect? In this same session the amp was creating a huge sound stage. It almost sounded if the sound was coming from the wall and ceiling behind the speakers.

I have yet to get this affect again. It was really nice and I have not been able to recreate it. Any thoughts?

Thank You
Get a power regenerator or a very good AC power filter. Your amp might only see semi-clean power for limited times during a day but with a regenerator it can sound its best all the time.

I use the PS Audio P3 Power Plant in my system and it works wonderfully to supply clean power to my entire system.
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Yeah I been kind of looking into a conditioner. Its a little scary for someone new to this to spend money on one. So many people think they don't work or do very little.

Really how much do I spend to get one that works? Maybe through music direct so I can return it?

I really just can't get the soundsage right in my room. The soundstage just appreared one night. It was very layered and sound amazing. The amp has great reviews and if I could get the layering and soundstage back I would be in so happy.

I thinking about trying other outlets and another rooms. My current room is small and has a bed a lot of things in it hoping to use another rooms as see if that works.