what would you do?

What would you do if you bought a amp from supposedly reputable dealer and found out a year and a half later it wasnt the amp you bought at all but one of a totally different serial number and ? Wouldnt you think the dealer would know sometimes in that time period they sold the wrong amp to you? I the consumer am only buying one item if he has several amps similar he logs them by serial number therefore he knew he sold the wrong amp but said nothing, how is that even legal? it's a sad day when you cant trust the dealers on audiogon.
You know what I like about Kevin Deal, he's got the balls to come on a forum like this and defend himself when he thinks he has been unnecessarily abused. Somewhat rare. That, if nothing else, seperates him from the herd. He doesn't seem to like 'freeloaders" or idiots either, but that wouldn't stop me from dealing with him if he has something I need to buy. I don't call him for free advise though. :-)
Post removed 
Kevin calls them as he's see them. He's always been honest and fair in my book. Long may he run...
My goodness! Somebody start a new thread already! Which brings 52tiger to mind. BTW, where is the shit disturber?
Solid response from the dealer - "And know you know the REST of the story," as Paul Harvey used to say. It seems that the purchaser did in fact receive the benefit of his bargain and that Kevin doesn't owe him squat.

Going forward, I would only suggest Kevin follow up with Cary on the serial number provided by the purchaser, if for no other reason than to see if something did in fact go awry in terms of his company's tracking of inventory.

But other than that, this one done. Next.