Preamp to pair with X250.5

Hi all,

Looking for a preamp to pair with Pass Lab X250.5...

Looking at Coincident Statement Linestage; Modwright 36.5, Aesthethix Calypso Signature or CAT SL1...

I have a CEC TL1 CD Transport.

Any recommendation.. or would you suggest another preamp...

Thank you.
Well of course we make tube preamps that are balanced and we have been doing it longer than anyone else, having introduced the first balanced preamps made anywhere, back in 1989.

But if not our own the Calypso is one I would consider. Some of the newer ARC line stages are doing OK too, IMO starting with the Ref 3.
Hi atmasphere,

Which preamp of atmasphere do u recommend?

Calypso ... The standard or signature ?

Thank you
Hi Atmasphere,

Would you recommend Modwright 36.5 ? With or without power supply? And how about Coincident Linestage Preamp?

I tell you from experience the PASS Preamp matches best with PASS amps. I tried a Audio research tube and was not happy
Clarrie, either will work fine.

Fin1bxn, if I recall correctly the ARC preamps cannot drive an input impedance like the Pass and also play bass right; seems to me that they say in the manual that the amp has to have an input impedance of 30K or more.