Parasound JC-1 - Standby during playback?

Recently I installed a 20A DB for my dedicated room with 2 outlets - One outlet goes into a Shunyata Cylcop serving the Parasound JC-1 and the other into another Cyclop for the front electonics.

I noticed that there are occasions when BOTH the Parasound amps will go into standby mode (RED light) for about 1-2 secs before powering on again (BLUE light). During this time, the front end electronics are still functioning.

Since both amps are experiencing the same thing, then it means that this may have something to do with the electricity? Else a problem with the preamp? Again, I must say this does not happen very often but a nice solution will be great indeed!

Thanks for the advice.
Are you sure they are not in the "Audio Signal" mode where they turn on, and off, based on audio input?
Make sure the switch on the rear left panel is in "manual"
More information on your system (components and line conditioning) could be helpful...

Rather than this being due to voltage sag, I would suspect a bit of DC coming from your preamp is causing the amps to go into protection.

Always power on your front end components before the amplifiers and power down in the reverse order.

Parasound Halo dealer.
To Rayooo: I'm using a pair of 12V trigger to turn on the amps and the selection on the rear panel is correct.

To Essentialaudio:

Outlet 1-> Shunyata Cyclop-> Parasound JC-1s
Outlet 2-> Shunyata Cyclop-> Nagra PL-L, TT motor power supply, CDP

Of course, Outlets 1 & 2 are from the same power point.

Turning on sequence: Nagra PL-L -> Parasound JC-1 -> Turntable Power Supply

So, it might be a problem with the preamp or the power-on sequence?