Bada DC-225

Hello everyone!

Just came across the Bada DC-225 while venturing into this new hobby. Does anyone have this integrated receiver? It seems like quite a fair price for 95 watts in Class A. If you do have it, how does it fair against some of the other components you've come across?

I was hoping that perhaps somebody has upgraded from the Bada DC-222 and would have some input on the new model? I know it's rated as Class A for the full 95 watts, but I'd think it'd be much larger to be able to pull this off?
I had the older model and it was an incredibly good value. I replaced it with a $4K tube amp and the Bada really gave up nothing. I would purchase it without hesitation. If I were on a tight budget, I'm pretty sure that would be what I would buy.
Thanks Chayro! It does sound like an incredibly great deal, and I'm even more convinced after watching a demo on Youtube of the components that make up the piece.

I am on a budget, and pretty dizzied by all of the choices for new gear and then finding some nice used gear on Audiogon!