B&K Amp repairs

I just lost a channel on my B&K Reference 200.7. The people who do my service work say that they have been unable to get schematics from the manufacturer since B&K's purchase by another company. Does any one here have a suggestion about where I should go from here to get this amp fixed? I live in the Portland Oregon area. This is such a sweet amp. I can't believe I have no options here. HELP!!
Nordic587 again: The B and K website gives the same contact phone # as for ATI, the new parent company of B and K. You can leave a message after hours at 323-278-0001 for a customer service rep to call you. The B and K website also allows you to leave a note for them via thier contact form. I would do both, covering all the bases. Good luck! I am now curious as to how they will handle your situation should I ever be so fortunate to buy a B and K 200.2 and it ends up needing repairs. It is almost a bit odd for me to hear about someone whose audio gear needs repair. I guess it happens. Not one piece of all the gear I've bought and sold since starting this "hobby" in 1976 has ever broken down. Lucky I guess. If you are interested, let me know how it turns out. My former career was as a psychotherapist. I guess I have the helper geen.
Update!! Much easier action plan: The B and K 200.7 schematic is on the B and K website listed under schematics and service manuals. Just pull it up, download and email to your tech or have them do it. Looks like all the info is there. Kinda surprised your tech didn't see this on the website if they went there. Good Luck!
Hi, if you have a B&K product (Amp, Receiver, Pre-amp, etc.) that has broken and want to get it fixed then you need to get in touch with Eastern Elite Audio/Video (http://www.ee-av.com/). These guys are former B&K employees that live in Buffalo, NY. They still can service all B&K repairs. I am not affiliated with this business. A couple of friends of mine B&K receivers broke and I forwarded the information to them and they were able to get their receivers fixed by Eastern Elite Audio/Video for a reasonable price. Hope this information is helpful.
