Mcintosh MA6900 or MA7000

Outside of the 50WPC and LED lighting, is there any real sonic difference between these two Integrateds?
I now have the GX-300 Monitor Audio speakers. I am now leaning towards the MA7000... but now would need a decent DAC for my Sonos. Any input? The MA6900 is 11 years old...I prefer new, in this case.
The MA7000 is far more linear sounding than the MA6900. The MA6900 carries a distinctly warmer aural signature. I'd take the MA7000, but that's just my bias/preference. Having never heard your GX-300's, I have no idea which amp would make for a more suitable match.

As for a DAC.. I suppose that depends on how much cash you have to spend. If you have a copious amount of change, I found that AMR's latest DAC is pretty damned nice. If you want something a bit more budget oriented, Rega's new DAC isn't too shabby (if you like that warm and musical sound). Both should form a decent match with the Mac gear.
All - I appreciate all input received. I ended up with the MA7000, purchased some Monitor AUdio GX-300's and bought a Sim Audio Mood 300D DAC. AFter about 36 hrs, burn-in, I am very pleased. The presentation can only get better from here! Now, should I invest in XLR cables to interconnect the 300D and MA7000?
Congrats on picking up an MA7000. It's a sexy piece to have in the audio rack -that's for sure. As for XLR connections... eh, it's up to you really. Since neither the 300D or MA7000 feature a natively balanced circuit, I can't see them benefiting from this connection in any major way. Still, it's always fun to experiment.(That's what she said?)