Mcintosh MA6900 or MA7000

Outside of the 50WPC and LED lighting, is there any real sonic difference between these two Integrateds?

Showing 5 responses by jcamkll1

I now have the GX-300 Monitor Audio speakers. I am now leaning towards the MA7000... but now would need a decent DAC for my Sonos. Any input? The MA6900 is 11 years old...I prefer new, in this case.
Thank you for the feedback. There is considerable cost difference and I have read many reviews/opinions of both units. I have also heard that Audiogon is where to get my answer. Currently, I do not have real high-end speakers, but the wife likes them - Monitor Audio RX8. They present a 4 ohm nominal load.
I will eventually upgrade the speakers to more closely be on par with the electronics. Budget constraints prevent an all-at-once purchase. If I take small bites, I will get there. If I don't bite at all, I never will. I am just trying to prevent a significant "regret" by making a poor choice along the way.
All - I appreciate all input received. I ended up with the MA7000, purchased some Monitor AUdio GX-300's and bought a Sim Audio Mood 300D DAC. AFter about 36 hrs, burn-in, I am very pleased. The presentation can only get better from here! Now, should I invest in XLR cables to interconnect the 300D and MA7000?
Purchased some Tributaries 8AB XLR interconnects - very noticable improvement in detail! Now wondering if I should persue new jumpers for pre out power in...