Best kt88 for VAC Avatar Super

Hi, my Avatars tubes need to be replaced, I have read allot about new kt88 tubes. Right now I'm considering between Genalex Gold Lion KT88 to Shuguang KT88-98.
I have got dozens of recommendation about the Genalex. With a short corresponded with Kevin from VAC I have been told that the Chinese tubes are prefers, and especially the VAC KT88.
Does anyone has an experience with that issue and can give me some recommendations?
Sungaung GEKT88 from GD Audiio have been recommended to me as the best budget KT88 and the Treasure tubes as even better.
i also need some kt88 for my vac phi200 and have talking to grant fidelity in canada.they are dropping sungaung and using psvane that is a company formed by x partners and employee's of sunguang.they have a black tube for 500 a quad but i cant find any info about these, help
Lrg36, GF will push anything (they think) they can monopolize, as it was with the Black Treasure series, in the beginning, when they 'claimed' they had 'exclusive' North American distributorship for the Black Treasure tubes -- that is until everyone found out it wasn't true, and when at least one online tube seller I know brought legal action against them! So you can understand if I'm a bit suspicious about their (latest) story regarding the Psvane line ;~)

Mjcmt: I have been dealing with Clark (at Good Component) for over four years, and have sent him many very happy customers. You can even request that your matched premium KT88-Z's (Shuguang Black Treasures) have the strongest emission readings (greater than 50 mA) and if he doesn't have any on hand, and you're willing to wait a couple of weeks, he will hand pick them for you right at the factory when there's a new production run. Not only that, but he seems to have the best prices of anyone. The last time I bought a quad, they were $357 (for two matched premium pair), including PayPal and DHL airfrieght. That's what I call 'service'! BTW, Clark also sells Psvane tubes -- probably a lot cheaper than GF!
Might also try Agon member Trelja if you are interested in the Black Treasures or Psvane - Joe is very knowledgeable and reliable, and offers great pricing (speaking as a satisfied tube customer)