Supratek is back

Several years ago Mick stopped making amps. I got the impression that the exchange rate simply made it unprofitable. Regardless of the reason the good news is that he is back and should be taking orders soon if he isn't already.
That's some amazingly beautiful handmade gear. Some amazing reviews to boot.
I hope Mick has a more consistent product. I'd heard of erractic QC from real audiofreaks (guys who fly half way around the country to hear a buddies new cartridge), but I learned it myself when I heard a Cortese sound great and had to get one, but the one I got was a total disappointment (same system). When they were good, they were the best money you could spend (IMHO) and when they were bad, they left a lot to be desired.

Best of luck to Mick in these rough economic times.
Been back for a while. The best news is he has a blog on his new site where he reveals lots of info on his designs. Good reading.
My question is does he ever answer his e-mails? I've tried to contact several times with no response.