Pass Labs XP-10 vs Parasound JC-2

Anyone had a chance to compare these pre-amps side by side? They are about the same cost (used). They would drive two JC-1 power amps. I am leaning toward the JC-2 just because of the power amps, but really like the Pass design philosophy and have heard good things about this amp.
Yes! Buy the XP 10. The JC-2 sounds very dry. I even with the J-2 fully broken in, the XP 10 just out of the box killed the JC-2. after 2 weeks times the difference was even bigger. The XP 10 just killed the JC-2.
I found an earlier thread comparing the JC2 to the XP-20, and they favored the JC-2. I think I like the attenuator on the XP-10 (more precise digital steps as opposed to a motorized pot on the JC-2), but the XP-10 may not have enough gain for my system as its only 7.5 dB. I need closer to 15 dB (5x).