Need Recommendations for SS amp for 2 ohm load


I'm in the process of upgrading my Innersound Eros speaker to Roger Sanders new 10b design. As an outcome, I need recommendations for a Solid State Amp that can handle 2ohm impedance and the phase swings along with the capacitance characteristic of the Innersound/Sandersound speakers.

I have the VTL MB450 which is a great amp, but the big tube amp won't be good with the wicked load of the electrostatic speaker.

I really prefer tube amps but the review on 6moon for Sandersounds 10c speaker strongly advise against tube amps due to the digital crossover it uses. My upgraded speaker will be using the same digital crossover, so my search now for a new SS amp that can handle this.

I'm looking in the budget range of $2-4K max...
2nd to Sunfire600. Best technology, best price, best performance and best amp ever built by Bob Carver.
Okay a little food for thought. First the Innersound amps are a great way to go and will work quite nicely with the Eros. If memory serves me correct, Coda built the Innersound Amps. So a phone call to them would be in order to get their feedback and recommendation. Of course you could go to Wyred 4 Sound and speak with Rick Cullen and get his input. His amps are killer and will drive panels with ease and his prices are very friendly. Personally on panels I would go the Wyred 4 Sound route as these amps do not sense the reactive load from the speakers, they are immune from that.
I use a Sanders ESL amp on my Martin Logan CLSIIA's. I have auditioned MANY different amps on my speakers and I stopped here...the best I've heard...period.
McCormack's might come closest to your need for a "tube" sound while still being able to control and drive a speaker at a 2 ohm load. I'm using a DNA 500 with my Apogees and there is no strain on the amp from these beasts of a load.