Best SS preamp $1000

Looking for advice & opinions to kickstart my search for a new solid state 2-channel pre. Budget is ~$1000 max, new or used.

Must have remote, don't need balanced connections, don't need phono stage.

The rest of my system is: Reference 3A MM de Capo i speakers, Parasound HCA-1000A amp, Logitech Transporter as source, current pre is a Parasound P/LD-1100.

Thanks in advance!
Hi Tlhiii

I currently enjoying a Kavent S-33 preamp. It does have 1 set of Balanced inputs to go along with 5 regular inputs. I also has 2 pair of outputs and a set of balanced outputs too. It is very similar to the Vincent SA-93 preamp. The remote is solid as well and can reduce the gain by -10dbs.

Another preamp if you can find it is a McCormack TLC-1 with remote volume control. Very rare but it does sound good too.

Good luck with your search.
If you can find a used Odyssey Tempest it would be nice, its a good sounding preamp w remote.
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions so far. A couple of them were already on my radar (particularly the Adcom GFP-750) but many of them are new to me, thanks and keep them coming!

Question for "AVIDEO" who suggested the McIntoshes: I had noticed the C15 because there was one for sale on A-gon last week, but there seemed to be mixed reviews among Mac enthusiasts. Have you heard the C15 and if so, can you describe your thoughts on its sound quality?

Another general question for all: How much of a factor do you consider age to be when it comes to preamps? Or put another way, would today's $1500 pre blow away a 10-year old similarly priced pre just by virtue of accumulated technological / design advances?
Tlhiii, I'm not convinced that newer preamps are really any better than ones from a couple decades ago. As long as their capacitors, etc function OK, anyway.

Some other SS suggestions:

Classe DR-5, maybe -6
Musical Fidelity A3cr or A3.2cr
Marsh p2000b
McCormack ALD-1
older NAD (can't remember the model at the moment)

Someone recommended the Innersound. I had that preamp for a while, since I have their amp (love the amp by the way). I found it sterile and uninvolving in my system, anyway. If you're going to reach, I'd recommend a Musical Fidelity 308cr. You'll pay around $1000-1200 for it, but it's a notch above the others I've listed, IMHO.

Ok lots of suggestions here. I have to tell you the Bel Canto Pre 3 is a top notch pre for $1000.

I am using one now while my tube pre is being built. I must tell you is surpasses many high dollar preamps I have heard and owned. Yes it is that good.

Very sweet and really has no significant weakness. A joy to use with wonderful build quality.If the tube unit I am waiting on was not the amazing piece it is, I would keep the Pre 3 as it pleases me as much or more then a slew of preamps costing up to $8000 new.

Dead quiet and really is very neutral sounding. Nice tone and quite dynamic also.

If I was building a modest system from scratch this pre would be my choice.