Amp suggestions for sofia's

Hih all,
Need some suggestion for wilson sofias. Currently i am using a Bryston B100 integratd with internal dac and mm phono. Although i am real found of detail the speakers seem to be a little bright. Since the bryston can be used as a pre only. I was going to try a different amp to go with it. Tube or ss doesn't matter although i don't know much about tubes. I have read that tubes don't push the sofia's very well. They seem to be a little power hungry. I'm am trying to soften the speakers just a little.
My budget is under 10k. much under if possible. I would rather have a stereo unit instead of mono's just because of space to put them, but i an not counting them out. depending on the size. I will be looking at used just to try something different for now. I have been looking at Lamm and Conrad Johnson. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


I auditioned the Wilson Sofia driven by VAC tube monoblocks and they performed beautifully. If I ever upgrade from my 801N and Krell 650mc, that would be it.
Balanced Audio has been paired with Wilson's with very good results. The VK 75SE falls under your price range.
Wow, this is going to be harder than i thought. One of the things i have to consider is how well my bryston pre will match what ever amp i choose. I know once i get a new amp that i will eventually get different pre, but for now i have to stick with what i have. Any advice or suggestion on what to look for to help. like impeadence and such.

Have been doing a lot of reading of threads. Thanks for the link tricon. It was very helpful.The ARC stuff is one of my choices, but after reading reveiws and some forum threads i don't think the ARC will be a good match with the Bryston.

I think the CJ may be the way to go. I will keep looking and reading for about another week. Then i will have to make a decision or i will go crazy.

Thanks for all the feedback.Keep it coming.
