$3500 to spend on a tube preamp....ideas?

Suggestions? Amps are Herron M1 monoblocks, Speakers Von Schweikert VR4-JR's. I borrowed a McIntosh C2300, and while it was good, it wasn't THAT much better than my Modwright 9.0 Signature. Bass was a little deeper, soundstage a bit more open, instruments more focused, but again, probably not worth $3500 to upgrade to. Also had an LS26 from ARC in my system, again, similar performance level to the C2300 and slightly more dynamic than the Modwright. With $3500 to spend, is there anything that can get me to that next level in dynamics? I am really happy with the other hardware in my system.

ideas: Herron VTSP3a, Rogue Athena
VAC Standard LE, Modwright LS36.5, Conrad Johnson Premier LS 16II, Dehavilland Mercury 3:

other options?
Since you have the Herron Mono amps , I would go with the Herron VTSP-3A preamp. The Herron Audio room has been considered by several audio reviewers in the past to be one of the best sounds at some of the Audio Shows.The VTSP-3A is a wonderful preamp.
I've said it before in other posts: the Herron gear has tremendous synergy when used together. Get the Herron preamp.
I think pretty highly of the Herron combo that I've heard at recent audio shows. Several years back I auditioned the original Herron preamp in my home and thought it was quite good. Very transparent and I still can sense through the subsequent iterations that this sonic quality still exists. The friend whose preamp I borrowed just upgraded to the latest model to go with his Herron monoblocks and is quite happy. While I'm a pretty big proponent of passive preamps and also own the Lightspeed attenuator, I could easily live with a Herron preamp in my system.
MFA Luminescence. Audio aural magic. Simply the best I've ever heard. Plus it will make your entire system sound like you upgraded every component in it. Problem is they're usually around $5K. But thre is one on AgoN right now for $4800, and you might talk him down a little.