Bel Canto Ref 1000MK2 or Wyred SX1000MK2

Which of these Monoblocks will work best with B&W N802's?
I had the Parasound Halo JC1's. How are these Class D mono's Compare to JC1's.

As you can read, Dob didn't suggest Spectron amps, yet you decided to go with the uncalled for comment.

I'm driving your same speakers, Maggies 3.6r, with the Spectron monoblocks and I can assure you that they are not bright. I've even used a TVC and the Benchmark DAC as preamps and I could not make the monoblocks sound bright. Any detected brightness must be somewhere else in the system.

I agree with others that JC-1 are great amps. I would probably change something else in the system if you would like to change the sound.

Thank you for all your response.
Macdadtexas I see that you have the Cary MB500. I red a lot of good things about these amps. How do they compare to JC1's, BC RF1000mk2 and Wyred SX1000?

Thank you
" Spectron-Police, in the house!!"

Macdadtexas, you really think that you can place Spectron amps in the category "below average" and not to be asked about quality of your system or your perception of "bright" sound ????

I can undertsand that one can prefer amp X or Y over Spectron - its very personal issue. However, if you hear sound as "bright" it can be only because Spectron amplifies everything that gone into it without euphonic colorations. Remember GIGO principle ? Garbage in....garbage out.

May be this combination of accuracy and musicality of Spectron amps is the reason that so many speakers builders like Albert Von Schweikert, Anthony Gally etc, so many recording engineers, so many musicians and other professionals , choose Spectron - "a piece of wire with gain" as per Mark Burnett (spl?) from Audiocom (inventor of Ultraclock).

I have extremely power hungry and extraordinary accurare speakers (Sasha by Wilson) and my Spectrons, with right preamp and front end, are much better (for my personal taste of course) then even Pass Lab XA200.5 I auditioned at the Sasha dealer. - it controls as "Iron Fist in Velvet Glove"

Spectron-Police on Patrol, yes I have owned the Spectron's along with many other amps, and they sound bright. Not just in my system, but in every system I have heard. If you like that sound, knock yourself out.

Ellyjr, I love he Cary's with my gear, but in this price range, the best amp I have heard with the B & W's is the McIntosh 501's which I bought for my Maggies, hated, and sold to a friend with your B & W's. They sound STELLAR together. Huge sound, but very detailed. A great match. We have tried my Cary's with the B & W's and the McIntosh beat it.