Bel Canto Ref 1000MK2 or Wyred SX1000MK2

Which of these Monoblocks will work best with B&W N802's?
I had the Parasound Halo JC1's. How are these Class D mono's Compare to JC1's.
they both should do quite well.

the bcs have a beefed up power supply that may offer more punch and clarity overall but for a premium.
I like all of these amps, but would be surprised it you liked either of those Class D amps with your B & W's as much as you like the JC-1's.
Agree with Mac.You have nice amps and bit more watts won't make up for softer bass and non-class A harmonics ( and I sold B&W's for 6 years and they are already a bit warm).Clarity I'd say neither has what JC1's have.Cut down your electric bill though.
I own B&W 802 Diamond and I have tried a number of amps inlcuding JC-1. I am driving them with Spectron monoblocks and these, in turn, are driven by Joule-Electra all tube LA-300ME preamp and I am immensely happy.

Regarding your specific question: Bel Canto has better power supply (additional bank of electralitic capacitors) but Wyred uses the latest geberation of mass produced ICE power module and thus a but better in midrange then Ref 1000 Mk2. Choose

You have great speakers, and I do not understand why you want to change one, IMO, rather average amp you own (JC-1) to, IMO, another equlally average Ref 1000 Mk2 or Wyred4 sound... save on electrical bill?

Good Luck With Your Search
Oh no, the Cult of Spectron has entered the fray. I have never understood the cult around these below avg Class D amps. They are the very definition of BRIGHT to me, with every speaker I have heard them with, and they are SO overpriced for Class D amps. I guess if you have goo-y warm sweet speakers they would moderate them, but please, let's not get the Spectron-police in the discussion, or it will ever end.

If you want to move up the Class D food chain, and you try the Spectron's, please also try a Sanders Sound amp, which is the real deal.