Modwright KWA 150

Can you share your experiences with this amp.

Is it tonally neutral or on the warm (bass heavy) side of things?

How tight and fast is the bass?

Is the top end sweet sounding?

Would you say vocals are very natural sounding or do they come through with some colouration?

I'd say vocals sound natural. Period. Like a person in the room. I would not call it colored, no. It is not warm or's just very real/natural sounding (this also assumes an excellent vocal recording). So no, not tube-like, but it somehow seems to give a nod in that direction. It definitely does not sound like a typical classic SS amp like a Krell or Levinson (though they both have made quite a wide range of amps so I am stereotyping - pun really wasn't intended there). The KWA150 does a very good job of getting out of the way. Disclaimers apply.

Add Daedalus to your short list of speakers if you are considering a KWA150 - That pairing is absolutely wonderful. I have no interest at all in Daedalus, nor do I own a pair. I have heard the pairing extensively at Dan's place, both the Ulyses and the DA-RMa. If you have the space and budget the Ulysses is killer - if your space is smaller the DA-RMa gives you the same magic in a smaller package and with less low end grunt (which is prodigious with the Ulysses). I'd certainly also highly recommend AudioMachina, which I do own, but they're at a much higher pricepoint. Great synergy with the KWA. I do some work for Karl, so disclaimer there.

I live in a small market outside North America, but I have tried the physics and focus HD extensively and can happily live with either.

Daedulus not available in my market

Given what I have read on Modwright it looks like it would work well on most speakers?
Although I just spoke to the dealer, seemed to suggest it would sound better on a very clear open speaker than a speaker with a dark character.

So probably a good fit on the Marten or Focus HD or Audio Physics.
Forgot to mention I tried the Simaudio i-5 a few months ago, very natural vocals but was lacking power. Tried some other amps, Perreaux and Redgum but the Simaudio was more natural sounding. The Simaudio 5.3 pre/power is out of my budget

I am going to try the Meridian 502/557 combo on Sunday (but its a 2004 unit), the Modwright pre/power on Saturday.
Although I just spoke to the dealer, seemed to suggest it would sound better on a very clear open speaker than a speaker with a dark character.

Hmmm...I'm not familiar enough with the speakers you are considering to comment on them specifically. I can address this comment to some degree, though. The speakers I use I would say fall into the category of a very clear open speaker, where the character of the speaker is completely uninfluenced by the material of the box they are in. They sound great with the KWA150. I would say Daedalus, which also sound fantastic, are entirely different in their approach. Perhaps they have more of a character that is somehow sympathetic to the materials used...a fleshier, richer sound in some ways, not unlike a musical instrument. AudioMachina is extremely clean and detailed and yet not at all cold or overly analytical in delivering the music that way (I say that because it would might normally be what I would have expected). Both occur to me as extremely enjoyable and engaging pairings with the KWA150, yet they do sound quite different from each other. Both are entirely engaging and let the music come through Daedalus with perhaps a bit more "influence" in a manner of speaking (but its a very fine influence indeed). So I would not necessarily limit my choices unless you happen to actually prefer one over the other, or if the music you listen to is suited better for you by one over the other, to your ears. I guess I wouldn't let a dealer, or anyone else, dictate that since the amps you are considering are more versatile than that in my experience. It seems like the dealer is just filtering a personal preference, which there is nothing wrong with doing. Good luck with your quest.