Modwright KWA 150

Can you share your experiences with this amp.

Is it tonally neutral or on the warm (bass heavy) side of things?

How tight and fast is the bass?

Is the top end sweet sounding?


Showing 11 responses by acdvd

Hi all, do you recommend XLR balanced cables on the Modwright pre/power?

Also have any of you had experience with the LS100 pre?

Although I just spoke to the dealer, seemed to suggest it would sound better on a very clear open speaker than a speaker with a dark character.

So probably a good fit on the Marten or Focus HD or Audio Physics.
Looking into speakers at the moment...
Maybe Legacy Focus HD or Audio Physics Tempo 25's or Wilson Benesch Curve or Martern Miles III

Would you say vocals are very natural sounding or do they come through with some colouration?

I have been using a Moon i-3 but its time to move up to pre/power as it does not have grunt I need.
I live in a small market outside North America, but I have tried the physics and focus HD extensively and can happily live with either.

Daedulus not available in my market

Given what I have read on Modwright it looks like it would work well on most speakers?
Forgot to mention I tried the Simaudio i-5 a few months ago, very natural vocals but was lacking power. Tried some other amps, Perreaux and Redgum but the Simaudio was more natural sounding. The Simaudio 5.3 pre/power is out of my budget

I am going to try the Meridian 502/557 combo on Sunday (but its a 2004 unit), the Modwright pre/power on Saturday.
One final question on this amp before I go ahead and purchase - how good is the bass authority and speed and tightness compared to other solid state power amps in its class
How detailed, defined and airy is the KWA 150 in the highs and midrange? as compared to other similarly priced amps.

The only other amp I am considering in my part of the world is the Cambridge 840W which has been highly regarded. So any comparisons would be good.

The price on the Modwright is going up 20% after this last unit is sold so I am wondering if I should move quickly on it...
Forgot to mention I tried the Meridian 557 and did not like it.

When I added the Legacy power amp 330W unit to the Simaudio integrated (in pre-mode), using the Legacy Focus HD, the difference was only in more bass grunt.

When I added the Modwright KWA-150 at a friend's place to the Simaudio integrated the improvement was beyond belief!!! even using my Simaudio as the pre!!!

Unfortunately I was not able to demo the KWA-150 against other power amps so any comparisons would be useful

thanks again
One last thing...I am still deciding my speakers, but can it work well on full range speakers that are rated down to say 87db at 4ohms. In a medium size room. I have read speakers like this need 200 watts

Hi all i have taken the plunge and ordered the KWA150 and the LS100. The LS

Can any tube owners advise how long the LS100 will take to break in and what sort of sonic changes there will be once it has broken in compared to say at 20 hours use.