Threshold Stasis 2...Worth a rebuild???

I have a Threshold Stasis 2 in wonderful cosmetic condition, but one channel went flooey. I contacted Jon Sondenberg and he will do a rebuild/upgrade for a little north of 1300 bux.
Jon said that the rebuild/upgrade would put the amp in the sonic category of a Pass Labs 250.

My question is, do you think it is worth sinking that kind of dough into an amp that old?

Thanks in advance to all for your wise opinions.
Once Jon gets thru with it, it won't be that old. And to have something the equivalant of a Pass Labs 250 for around $1,300.00 seems like a plan to be. Jon over the years have done several Threshold amps for me and they have always been rock solid and over the top in terms of sonics and workmanship. The early Stasis series were legendary amps and to get one updated like Jon can do, seems the way to go, unless you can reach for a Pass Labs 250 or 250.5. No it won't be that shiny new style of Pass Labs, but sonically very, very close indeed and possible better.
After looking at what the 250's command here, and if the cost of the rebuild and initial purchase are less, and you really like the sound of the 250's and Ferraris' recommendation and your own investigation; if it feels right do it!
I'm a fan of Jon's work, but $1300 seems like a lot of money to invest in that old an amp. Perhaps you could find a later Threshold that wouldn't need quite as much attention and expense. Though it might cost a bit more, I suspect you'll get more value. Heck, you might get lucky and find one that Jon has recently serviced. Just my humble opinion.