Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers

I'm about to purchase a pair. Just wondering if current owners are still thrilled with there's? It will be replacing reference Coda 15.0 amp. Any replies are much appreciated!
It would be nice if AudioOracle would let everyone know that he is a dealer and not a dealer of Merrill. Not a problem with AO's comments, it is just good to know when someone is a dealer so that folks can take that into consideration when reading their comments.

Btw, I am a dealer.
Dude, there is hype and there is reality, I have been doing this for 25 years professionally and most peoples system's sound poor, I don't care how much you've spent.

Look at how many people's system don't use power conditioning, room tuning or proper vibration control.

I had a direct comparison to my reference amps and there was no contest Merrills amps are very good, would I trade in a CJ, or a Chord or an Electrocompaniet, or an ARC, or a Coda, my answer is no, they are lovely and practical amplifiers.

You have an opinion, but I can guarantee that in my 25 years of going to shows, setting up systems and selling and installing thousands of components in hundreds of systems, I think I can claim title to knowing what I am doing.

The problem with Ncore as with the Hypex before it is the claims made do not justify reality, I have in my shop right now a very highly rated Hypex amp which six moons said was fantastic I think the amps are very good, but are not magical.

When Ncore came out the hype was the Mola Mola was being compared to Solution and wow they had some similar qualities for 1/5 the price, hey all I can tell you after hearing them at shows, in my shop and in another location I came away with the impression these amps are good, but not a game changer.

You want an example of a game changer? Auralic Vega dac $3,500 compares with dacs at $7K and above very favorably.

Janszen's new ZA 2.1 electrocstatic hybrid, in many ways absolutely like $15-20k speakers at current price of $7,500.

Those are game changers. So far Hypex amps good, Ncore good game changer no.

What is the difference between good amps and great? It is the sense of presence, it is their dynamics, it is there ability to create a realistic soundstage and lastly bass control and dynamics. The Ncore amps just slightly miss the mark, which makes them competent high power amplifiers, and a good value for the price and performance. Call me not yet convinced.
I've only heard the Merrill VERITAS at a show (Capital Audio Fest) so it wasn't under the best of conditions. Having said that, I think there are at least two more choices for slim-proportioned class D monoblocks that you might want to consider:

Anthem Statement M1 ($6998 / pair)

Bel Canto Ref1000M ($5990 / pair)

Both are on Stereophile's Recommended Components list, if that matters.
Dave, as of less than one month ago, the Mola-Mola kalugas had not been release yet.... What you probably heard were prototypes, unless they were the basic Hypex (non Mola-mola) Ncore NC1200 engineering demonstrators that Hypex has been circulating to garner interest amongst OEMs.

apologies for beating a totally dead horse... But unless you had the amps churning audio material full time for a good two months straight, it is not terribly likely that you heard what an Ncore NC1200 implementation is capable of.

Saluti, Guido
So Dave, all your years in the business makes your OPINION the ONE and ALL the OTHERS are SECONDARY.

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. But you state your opinions like it they are all knowing. Hell it is in your handle. Oracle!

But I must state again that your ONE opinion vs ALL the others who have traded their ARC, CJ, PASS amps, and so many more brands, for the Veritas amps mean a hell of a lot more the your one opinion. Many of them also have years of experience in audio. Many have spent years tweaking and spent countless hours on vibration control, power conditioning and room treatments.
But even if the did not, does that make their opinion on what they hear any less valid then yours.

["What is the difference between good amps and great? It is the sense of presence, it is their dynamics, it is there ability to create a realistic soundstage and lastly bass control and dynamics."]

Well, I agree with part of your above statement but you leave out so much more that also matters.
Like the reproduction of realistic tones of each instrument, the attack of the leading edge and decay of the trailing, top to bottom interrogation, a top end that just keeps going but is never harsh on its own, a bottom end that never booms or is bloated, but is firm and extended and so much more.
If what makes a great amp great and a good amp only good is only what you mentioned then all amps wood sound the same. And most do.
The above and the following are way a few amps sound great. They DO NOT ADD COLOR to the painting of the reproduction of the music. No rose colored glass to look through.
IMHO that is what the best PASS LABS Class A mono amps do, as an example besides the Veritas amps. Yes there are more but not many. And I am only talking about amps that are not the cost of a new Lexus and above. Say NO more then $20,000. But many can be found for a lot less.