Which 12AX7 tubes for EAR 834P phono stage?

I am experimenting with vinyls, and acquired EAR phono stage for a starter. I've compared the sound of EAR against Camelot Lancelot, and Sutherland PhD on two different systems. To my ears EAR sounds lush and smooth, perhaps a little too much so. I would like more lively and dynamic sound, like Sutherland phono stage. Can I replace the tubes in EAR and make the sound to the direction of more lively and dynamic? Or do I need to look for a different phono stage? I'm currently using a Rega table with Benz Micro MC cartridge loaned from my friend. I will be using a B&O table with moving iron MMC 20CL cartridge when I have everything set up next week or so.
I have a modded 834p deluxe. I use GE 5751 black plate silver clip in the first position closest to the front. Of all the tubes I tried, this tube gave the best extension on both ends and the best bass by far, not really a choice. The middle and end tubes took a bit longer to find a match. I was told by EAR that these positions are the left and right output tubes, but one is NOT for the right and one for the left. 1/2 of one tube is for the left, and the other half of the same tube is for the right, ditto for the other tube. This allows for a sonic blending.
I tried many combinations and settled on Sylvania black plate 5751 for the back position, and a Mullard cv4004 for the middle. The sylvania brings the vocals a touch forward with a wonderful midrange, and the Mullard has very nice extension. I could go on trying different combos for years, but at some point you say that sounds great, stop listening to the tubes, and start listening to the records again. I just recently added 2 of Herbie's "sonic stabilizers" to the top of the EAR, and was quite blown away with the improvement, the next day I ordered 2 more for my Cary slp-98. Highly recommended.
I'm working on my tube preamp right now which also employs 12AX9. After it's done I'll have a full arsenal of 12AX7 to try on 834P. It would be fun. I already have a set of Telefunken ribbed plates, RCA and JAN Philips 5751. I'm expecting Philips Miniwatts as well.
I currently have the stock tube in the V3 position (cathode follower/output stage) and NOS 1960's Amperex Bugle Boy 12AX7's in V1 (gain stage) and V2 (gain/RIAA equalization stage) positions and it sounds excellent. I tried some NOS 1960's RCA Command series 5751's in the V1/V2 positions and it sounded great too! The Bugle Boys have the soundstage depth and finesse of the 5751's with a touch more extension/sparkle in the highs and better bass extension and noticeably better midrange (which I've found that's where Bugle Boys in either 12AX7 or 6DJ8, excel at).

Happy listening to you,
