Help My Krell 700cx isn't working right.

I just recently bought a Krell FBP-700cx, after bringing it home and setting it up, a couple problems began to occur. If I played music past about 9 o'clock on the pre-amp, the system goes into protection and shuts to stand-by. And, a humming sound comes the speakers. I've tryed creating a new 20 amp circuit only for the Krell, but no luck so far. Can anyone help me?
Caveat, I don't know much of anything about the Krell stuff's operating parameters, but it sound to me like the amp is detecting too much DC output from the pre-amp and is shutting itself down. FWIW if it helps get you pointed in the right direction.
I back tracked and saw the person you purchased the 700cx from and he also had a KCT for sale at the same time is that the preamp your using with it.
There is a capaictor on the input that you might need to connected to block dc from the preamp. There should be two small connectors/jumpers on the circuit board near the inputs. Removing the jumpers will put the capacitors in the circuit.

Are you using a tube preamp?