Amplification for Wilson Watt Puppy 7s or 8s

Putting together a new system and would like feedback from those within the community who own Puppy 7s or 8s in particular. I am trying to narrow my choice regarding amplification from the following. Would appreciate your feedback regarding your experience using these in your system:

VTL S-400 Reference; VTL 450 monos w/ VTL T.L6.5 preamp
BAT VK 150SE monos w/ VK 52SE preamp
VAC Phi-200 monos w/renaissance preamp
E.A.R. 890 monos w/E.A.R. 912 preamp

My listening room is 25"L x 17'W x 12'T . I listen to all genres of jazz, blues, house music, classical, gospel and spoken word. Yes it is eclectic but I truly love all forms of music. From time to time I will turn the volume up quite high but this is the exception, not the rule.

I hope to acquire most, if not all, of the components pre-owned but well taken care of. If I need to buy new, I will as a last resort.
Many Wilson owners use Lamm or Pass XA. I have the pass XA 160 with Wilson WP7's. Try them both.
I heard Wilsons with the VTL 400 Ref and the 6.5 with all Cardas wire the sound was impressive.

Many of the current show reports have raved over the WP with a full BAT setup. I think it was in the Absolute Sound that one of the reviewers who was not normally a Wilson fan was wowed over the combination.

The BAT premps especially the latest crop are outstanding. I did a demo with the older VK 51Se vs The VTL 7.5 and the BAT has better dynamics, better top end and a tighter bass. The VTL was believe it or not a tad warmer. The newest series of BAT preamps keeps all what was good and now the BAT preamps are a bit warmer and full bodied sounding. Design wise they are some of the best preamps out there.

As per amplifiers the big VK 600SE is incredible sounding, caveats you should leave it on, and use good power cords and good conditioning.

I did a comparison of a well set up VK 600SE vs a pair of $50k Krell mono blocks and the big BAT was as good in most respects other than the Krell Monos has an even bigger presence and deeper bass.
I am getting fantastic results with BAT VK-52SE and VK-600SE with Wilson Sophia Series 2. Maybe Jfrech can weigh in on his lengthy experience with BAT and Wilson.
Having had both the BAT Rex & VTL 7.5 mk 2 in my system, my bias is towards the VTL sound. For me it wasn't subtle at all. But I found I am not a fan of the Russian tubes in the BAT design and that the BAT description in the post above as compared to VTL to be close to my experiences. I just much preferred the VTL. If you have heard VTL systems that you like & BAT systems that you like then it will be a difficult decision but my personal taste is strongly towards the VTL house sound which is very natural and fluid. To me more like music.