ASR Emitter II Exclusive question

Just got one of these and was wondering what platforms/feet you guys have used/recommend etc.. Any difference with power cable upgrades on the power supplies?

Thanks for any advice/info
My advice would be to leave the control unit and 2x power supplies on their own feet. I noticed very little difference as they are so heavy they possibly dampen any vibration themselves. The battery supply i have sat on some no-spikes, though again there was little change. Power cords, input stage leave as standard as you wont hear any change, its mostly disconnected from the audio circuit. The power supplies i'm thinking there was a small improvement, nothing dramatic though. Same cable used on cdp was Dramatic.
Enjoy what the Asr can do, it is very very special. I honestly haven't heard an amp like it.
thanks - thats what I was looking for. It's kinda nice having equipment that doesn't change with EVERY little tweek - that can tend to drive me crazy - always searching... I tried several different footers on the powers supplies(they are on Adona stands) & battery unit last night and with every footer there was either no difference or worse...
I just need to get a platform for the main unit - it's on carpeted floor sitting on tiles - no room in the rack.

One thing that did make a HUGE difference was using the direct input instead of balanced from my Modwright Transporter - my goodness was it better and this with very inexpensive RCA's.
Yes, the direct input is well worth using, it is substantial, even though through the input selector relays it is still fabulous. I have tried several rca's, from Audioplan(excellent), Harmonic Tech(nice but just ok), Transparent(dead),to Valhalla,(top of the list though testing a possible alternative with so far good results. How many hrs do you have on it so far? Is it sounding effortless yet? I assume it's the full gold board?