Music Reference RM 200 vs. Mcintosh 275 amp

Has anyone compared the Music Reference RM 200 and the Mcintosh 275? Thank You.
Two great sounding amps. Go with the Mcintosh. Great customer service and you will not have to deal with Roger Modjeski.
I can't offer any opinion on the comparison as I've never heard the McIntosh but I am a very happy owner of both a Music Reference RM-200 and RM-10.

I found Blbloom's comment unusual in that my experience Roger has always been a pleasure to deal with, I do however agree with his assessment of the RM-200.

I have owned an RM10, RM9 and RM9 SE and I would say Roger consistently makes some of finest sounding and most reliable amplifiers on the market. He is a pleasure to deal with, but it is true that he is basically a one-man (or two) operation and does not have the support network of Mac. Frankly I think both amps should make you happy, the 275 sounds might fine.