Power conditioning

I'm looking for a power conditioner for my McCormack DNA125; I'd also use it for my McCormack pre and my NAD CD player. There seems to be a lot of choices out there; my local dealer sells the Panamax, but so far I'm leaning towards the Hydra or Quintet. And advice would be welcome particularily from Steve. Thanks.

Try to put a Duet before the PPP, you will be happy with the improvement.

My original plan is to speed up the burn-in process of a Duet by running the PPP thru it. But boy, once it is there, you won't take it out.
Ive used several and have settled with Pure Power APS 2000. This is a conditioner and re-generator like the PS PPP. The 2000 also has a battery back up included in its one box design. Extra stand alone battery units or available. The battery showed its use last night as we had a short loss of power. I did not miss a note of Led Zeppllins The Song Remains the Same on Lp. I also have noted increased air definition and a super quite back ground with micro details abundant as never before. I have not noted any negative effects using the PP2000. I started with just my Nuforce amps and added one component at a time and have the same positive effect. Highly recommended.
Another vote for Running Springs Haley... or any other if you want to spend the money
here we go again. the power coming from a wall outlet should be 110-120 60hz. It is not always that. Everyone should have a power conditioner that gets rid of the "grunge" that comes down a power line, eliminates rfi, and keeps the output to within the 110-120 range. A lot of inexpensive power conditioners have been doing that for decades. Buy one that has been rated for hospital use. Tripp lite is a company that has been around for a long time. Clean power is clean power. Your components are designed to run on 120 ac, that's it. Expensive power conditioners, to be blunt, are a waste of money. Buy more music. Listen to more live performances. Remember, the power at the outlet is traveling on 50 cent a foot Romex. Every system should have a power conditioner, no one has to have an expensive one.