Joule Electra

After buying my J E LA-100 new 25 years ago, it is finally in need of repair. I have consulted the website; the e-mail address is no longer valid. I have phoned the number listed; it is disconnected. Jud's home number is also out of service. Does anyone know if they are still in business? I'd like to be able to get in touch with them.
Hi Folks,

Jud Barber is alive and well. I occasionally e-mail him (and when he feels like it he answers... LOL) with questions about Joule gear. He is retired and not making or servicing gear anymore. I have been fortunate in that some years ago, Jud personally tutored me on the design of his gear (have even visited Jud in N Augusta about 10 years ago while Marianne was still alive - a special lady who I shall always miss) and Jud walked me through how the gear was made and aspects about the design.

I do service, maintenance, and even help customers sell their Joule-Electra gear (on consignment basis) that they wish to find a new home. I have some technical documentation (if you can call copies of Jud's hand drawn circuits [not complete] and some notes "technical documentation") to help (can't really call what I have complete, so some head scratching, circuit tracing, and at times a suggestion from Jud [if he recalls] is necessary to figure things out - keeps things fun an challenging at times!).

While I am a HiFi retailer, my background is that of a engineer (Electrical Engineer to be specific). If someone needs assistance with their Joule-Electra gear, feel free to contact me though my Audiogon account or directly (315-622-4137).

Rich Brkich
Signature Sound
Rich...thanks for the correction on Jud. Glad to hear he is still with us. I could swear that I had read that he had passed away...sorry!

Seems like Rich is the man for Joule-Electra gear.
MoFiMadness...I won't say I am "the" man, because I still can't compare to Jud or folks like Ralph with their breadth and depth of knowledge of tube circuits. As I have been doing much more (repair/maintenance) work with Joule gear in the past several years than before (Joule owners seem to be finding me through the HiFi grapevine and Jud has referred a few folks my way), I am learning the ins/outs/quirks. I'm not he fastest (I am a one man show here, so there is a whole retail end of business that needs to be taken care of as well), but endeavor to be thorough and do the job right.
Strong endorsement of Signature Sound for all Joule Electra needs. Rich is a remarkable reference and does excellent, meticulous and scrupulously honest work. His advice is impeccable and he has helped me with a lot of gear over a great many years.