Joule Electra

After buying my J E LA-100 new 25 years ago, it is finally in need of repair. I have consulted the website; the e-mail address is no longer valid. I have phoned the number listed; it is disconnected. Jud's home number is also out of service. Does anyone know if they are still in business? I'd like to be able to get in touch with them.

Please contact LEWIS 441 who is a friend and a member in fine standing on this site!

He has a buddy who was very close to Jud and his wife and has extensive personal repair knowledge of these units and the parts to do so!

I sold Him my Preamp and amp about 4 months ago...

Good luck and tell him Jake gave you this info
Another endorsement for Signature Sound to assist with this. Correct location is Liverpool, NY.
I'm not sure about Jud passing away, but one of the Joule Electric principals, Simon Thatcher, who was in charge of sales and some design decisions, did pass away not long ago.
The last I heard, Jud just retired.
I meant to say "Joule Electra", and not "Joule Electric".
And BTW, I used to own Joule LA- 450 ME preamp, probably the last one Jud had ever made.
I know, last Simon Thatcher wanted Jud to make one for him (after hearing mine), and Jud didn't want to make it even for him, b/c it was too labor intensive.
Sometimes I wish, I've kept it.