Dodd preamp vs. McCormack RLD-1 preamp

I am interested to know if anyone has any experience with both the Dodd battery powered preamp and the Steve McCormack platinum-modded RLD-1 preamp. I am looking to replace my ARC LS3 and both look interesting and in the same relatively affordable price range.

Thanks in advance.
Read the review at
Just to add something to this old thread: I have a McCormack ALD-1 w/Steve's A+ revisions (separate power supply, full reworking of the internals, basically upgraded as much as possible) and on a lark, just purchased a used Dodd through the 'gon. Once I get it fired up, I will let you know how it sounds. FWIW, the ALD-1 (which obviously isn't the RLD-1 platinum, but is very similar performance-wise when it has the top level of revisions) is a very special preamp. I borrow or buy a preamp (used) now and then to see if something beats the ALD-1. Last 3 challengers were an ARC LS-26, McIntosh C2300 (w/Telefunken Smooth plates), and Modwright Signature 9.0, all of which came up short. Hoping the Dodd bests them and gives the ALD-1 a run for it's money, and for what I paid for it, I will probably keep it as a different "flavor" of a pre, even if it doesn't exceed the ALD-1's performance. Will report back.....
Dawg, congrats on the Dodd, but I would suggest going to the Dodd website and reading Gary's latest notes on battery charging in order to get the best results. I ended up getting rid of my Dodd because of battery reliabiity and charging issues, but I did so reluctantly, because it was certainly one of the best sounding units I've ever owned.
I bought an RDL-1 for $850.00 and sent it straight to SMcAudio for the 2012 platinum mod (it changes with time) for $3K. Why? Well, I like the basic sound of the MAP-1 and DNA-225 that I owned and Steve's reputation. I really liked the basic layout and build quality of the MAP-1 / RLD-1, too. I didn't say "fancy" I said quality.

I'll report back on my findings but I suspect that this will be a real nice spot to relax awhile and enjoy the music. The pre-amp is to ship about the 15 of March 2012.