Pure class A amplifiers = "slow" amplifiers?

Hi folks, I know this is subject of controversy. In general pure class A has been regarded as the best way in solid state amplification to get the purest sound. In my experience many pure class A solid state amplifiers (Accuphase, Pass Labs, Plinius) sound "slow" and are lacking "dynamics". Do they sound that way because they have less distortion than class A/B amplifiers, I mean sometimes a signal is so pure that one is increasing the volume adjustment knob to get a louder sound. With a very pure sound it seems like music goes slower too (= psychoacoustic phenomenon).

Jim, once again, will Delta Sigma be shown at RMAF? I doubt that simple information such as SS/tube/switching technology, class of operation, input impedance, damping factor, etc . . . can be deemed proprietary. . . particularly in devices having the exalted price points of the SDs. Now talking about the Kosmos conductor. . . asserting that it is more conductive and less resistive than Silver is what I deem an 'extraordinary claim'. . . nothing wrong with that, but such a claim does require some clear form of evidence. . . or regretably it suffers in credibility.
Jim>you sound like a politician making statements but not answering G's question

Ooops, I missed the other points although most of following is on our website.

● No plans for RMAF but will do CES (Venetian Hotel).
● Solid State
● Class AB
● All analog circuit - no digital.
● Dual Mono power supplies in stereo amps
● Separate power supply in Reference preamps
● North Pole Integrated amp has Dual Mono PS for active linestage section and Dual Mono PS for amplifier section.

● Yes, SINE "Kosmos series" technology is quite impressive. My undertanding of the technology (as noted above) is the 8-steps of alternating annealing and deep cryo + their custom alloy creates the higher conductivity.

As with many high end designs, some information is proprietary.

Thanks guys for the opportunity to discuss these designs. Feel free to contact me off board with any additional questions. I'll be adding more info & photos on our website on the Reference Linestage soon including the interior that offers some unique design attributes.

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio
Jim, this thread is very specifically discussing pure class A devices. There does not appear to be any reason to discuss Delta Sigma products if they operate in class A/B. And please watch out that claim of conductivity greater than Silver. . . making extraordinary claims without any evidence is a tricky business, particularly if the claim is left rather vague. G.
The term"deep cryoing" is not scientific,simply marketing.Anybody who uses this to describe the process known as Cryogenics which aligns molecules through temps of -300 degrees then slowly bringing back to room temps would 150 years ago be driving from town to town in a wagon selling bottles of Dr.Feelgood and suggesting that coke and morphine were just invented that month.Its a worthwhile process used now for many years in the various fields as alot of us are aware.To combine it with varieties of technological witchcraft is almost as absurd as supply-side economics.Sorry for the hijack,I'm a little hungover from the merry-go-round,cheers,Bob