Replacement for adcom 535II?

Howdy all. Anyone have some experience that can stear me towards a successful mix, now that I have to replace the Adcom 535 that served me so well for 20+ years?

What I've got, working backwards: PSB Silvers, an Adcom 535 that now hums on the left channel, Adcom preamp tuner (whatever might have matched the 535 amp at the time), marantz cd.

I dearly loved the total sound that I was getting and I'd like to keep it similar, but I'm guessing 535's are just getting too old and failing. It sounds like maybe Rotel might be a good bet? I can only pony up $300 max.
If you can only afford $300, get the Adcom repaired. Getting a Rotel is a sideways move.
I had a B&K ST-120, the older series, a while back that began humming. I replaced the power supply filter caps for about $40 and no more hum. I think I got lucky there. Might be worth a try.
Very nice for the money (and this one is at a good price). disclaimer: I know not this seller.

Another one would be a B&K ST1400II if you can find one used.

As recommended, repairing the Adcom may be a good option. Also, if you like the Adcom, maybe stay with Adcom and move up the line? You could sell yours as is for repair, buy a used model and probably come out for less than repairing your 535.