for best lp sound, Kondo or Shindo?

i have all tube system with 2 tables. Looking for the best preamp with phono that will run .15mv MC and be dead quite and got lots of air and resolution and weight for my beloved cello and violins and horns. mostly into classical and small jazz.

but i have tube amps that need 3-4 volts from preamp to really sing. so can u give me some suggestions. cant audition everything. thx

You're implying that the Shindo preamps have a sound. Care to elaborate?
HI Owl

Every component has "ITS" own sound. What ever neutral is I do not know.
They sound good to me do thing right across the requencies with good tone and texture which are thing I tend to like more now than say ultra hi definition setup, where everything in the soundstage id defined and details that are never ending down to the guy scratching his head in the audience, if you know what I mean.

I heard the system with the Shindo Garrard in a full Shindo system.
Hi, I just came across this thread as I like to read about wonderfully made Valve electronics, I am not sure why the darTZeel NHB-18NS was included with these two master valve amplifier designers?

The sound of the Shindo preamps is closer to live music than anything I have ever heard. I have the entry level Shindo Augeres with a mm phonostage so you would need a stepup transformer for your cartridge but this preamp is stunning