Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?

I currently own a Modwright preamp and a Pass Labs X150 amp. I really enjoy these components but, I wish the Pass amp had more warmth in my system. What amps have the warmth of tubes but are as detailed and as controlled as this Pass amp. I can't afford the .5 series of Pass amps. I previously had a CJ MF-200 amp and PV-11 preamp in my system, which was much warmer, but not as clean and detailed. I'm looking to spend about $2K used. Thanks!
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I second the Bedini recommendation - Vitalik's discription is right on.

I haven't tried their pasta sauce however . . .
Stunningly Good.

Just listen to it and you forget about trying to analyze all the little things. The harmony, heart and soul of the music just flows through as a whole . . .
Tvad, I think you got confused with names here. Vitali makes pasta sauce:) and Bedini makes amplifiers.
For some reason his main website is down right now, but here is the link anyway.
Vitalik, Bdgregory, before I got my AVA FetValve I would have been the first to recommend the Bedini. I used a 250/250, later upgraded to an 803, for close to 16 years. In all that time I heard plenty of other big name amps in my system. Some were better at a significantly higher price, but none made the grade for me replacing the 803...

...until I got the FetValve. I knew what to expect because my friend had an older HC series AVA amp, or I thought I did. The 500EXR turned out to be noticably better: the amp that made me retire my beloved Bedini. At the price point indicated by Jeffjazz he can buy a new 350 direct from van Alstine.

Believe me, I'd have used that 803 forever if I hadn't tried the EXR.