preamp for classe ca200

What is a good preamp match for a pair of classe ca200s ?
i used the classe 47.5 in the past but moved up to the cp-60 with internal phono and external power supply. big step up in sound quality with more options
i used the classe 47.5 in the past but moved up to the cp-60 with internal phono and external power supply. big step up in sound quality with more options
Re the Bel Canto Pre1: I believe this is an under appreciated gem, especially considering its used price on Audiogon. Try it with 3 Black Diamond Racing Cones beneath and a Harmonic Technology damping block on top. Also, the Analysis Plus Power Oval 2 is a great match for this preamp. My Pre1 drives a pair of Manley Mahi tubed monoblocks and gives superb, lifelike sound.
One more vote for Audio Research LS-3. (I think this was a Stereophile Class A rated pre) That is what I use with my Classe Fifteen. I have also tried preamps from Classe, Krell and ML and though the ARC sounded better AND cost allot less. Classe's own preamps sounded very dark, compressed, and lost allot of details.I find the LS3's sound much better than any Classe preamp from the same time period. ARC's pre sounds live, tonally balanced, transparent, with lots of "bight to the brass".
The VTL 2.5 is a great sonic and aesthetic match to the CA200. I’ve paired them up to drive Vandersteen 2Signatures for years and totally happy with the result. Very synergistic pair! Classe’s own CP50 from the same period is a good SS alternative. I tried an ARC SP14 briefly but it was not as good as the VTL or Classe.