Best used amp in the $1500 range

If you had a budget of about $1500 to spend on a used amp, which you you look at? Primarily to be used for the front two channels in a multipurpose system, but music performance in paramount.

Also, not interested in tubes and would like something with decent power.

If you don't mind integrated than you can go for Krell KAV300i or integrated Plinius.
If you're looking for a poweramp, you can get Bryston 4B-ST
Bryston 4B ST for power amp...and Rotel make some very good low cost 2 channel preamps (way less than your price point if you dont need a turntable pre-preamp)
I would be looking into a Parasound A21. You could find one for under $1,500 used. 250 watts, 60 amps peak current per channel will be more than enough power.