What is Better? SS Amp+Tube CD OR Tube Amp+SS CD

Can someone tell me which setup is better sounding combo?
1. good quality SS amp matched with Tube CD player
2. quality Tube amp with quality SS CD player
My critieria is warm, sweet, smooth, real sounding music of tubes wtih reasonable accuracy & bass that SS provides.
Most of all, which combo is better bang for our buck

you're right, all tube and SS these days are alike. i spent some time with new generation of complete tube gear, mostly tube integrated, and was very dissapointed. i don't want tube gear to sound like SS but that's exactly what i get at the end. for me, there is no reason for such concept, but people should be very carefull. since they're not bad amps, modern tubes equipment are voiced like SS, and it could be prety confusing, seeing tubes and get something else.

myself, i bought EL84 integrated, working in triode mode, which is DIY project based on the best tube tradition ( whatever that means), and it was like WOW, totally different story! now i'm listening SS CD player, but it has to be changed and i watched carefully this thread, because i don't know is there any need to get CD with tube output or stick with SS CD player. is there such thing as "too many tubes" in this case?
Heres what Ive done; Purchased Plinius pure class A SA 102s in fully ballanced dual mono with theyre M8 preamplifier and added a Kora Hermes 24/192 Triode dac with 1964/ 1974 ECC88/2492 Mullards pearl cryovalves matched pairs with nonexistant microphonics. Also have Magnum Dynalab 102 triode tuner and utilise Transparents Ultra interconnects for coppers warmth from my DAC rcas and xlrs from my Magnum Dynalab tuner and Siltech SQ28 xlr from my M8 preamp to 102s to accentuate my top end. I then have Mirage OM6s which have a very detailed top end and seductive midrange with full range authority--- my sound is really engaging for hours at a time.So I agree with bongers friend and the nice thing about my steup if I ever decide to change my speakers to Soundlabs or Magneplaners or-whatever, I dont have to concern myself with power issues as Plinius is stable into virtually any load while one would be hard pressed to say the sonic signature of my front end is anything less than tubelike in the midrange with terrific dynamics and bass control.Thats my recipe and Im sure many of you have your own secret sauce.Thats just the two front channels in my hometheatre and I use Plinius electronics throughout with Bag End 18 Infrasubs flanking my mains in stereo, its really what one wants in sound reproduction and how they prefer to implement it! Regards ///TimW...