Are there any budget tubed preamps that stand out

I have a solid state mono block set with only digital source. I run Apogee speakers.
I have looked to Norh, Audio Mirror, and some others and need to be less than $700. Much less if possible.

Chinese origins aside, a used Eastern Electric Min-Max (line stage only) tubed preamp with its rather elegant and simple circuit, can be had on Audiogon for about $600 or less. Per the (6 moons etc) reviews and many owners comments, this seems to be an exceptionally musical preamp.
I would second the minimax, I had one a few years ago, have since moved way up scale (price wise anyhow), minimax was a great preamp for the money.
I've read nice things about Minimax as well.Another China company to check out is Cayin (great integrated tube unit-Harry Wesfeld from VPI gave it a great boost and he is not some hack looking for ad dollars).Depends on absolute budget and what you want.Really "tubey" very euphonic but at cost a bit of noiseZ) would be PV10 or PV12 from Conrad Johnson.Entry level BAT VK3i.Thinkl two companies that price new sanely (gret values used) are Rogue 66 (who just cameout with budget line worth checking out if you want new .Great backl up from small company.VTL is another sanely priced company buit have heard back up can be troublesome and slow but still good product.and Quicksilver.Also line from Parts connection-small bare bones and it's just sound qualit from AES from Parts connection very akin to Bottelneck which you can get new in kit for if comfotable with soldering or a new or used built model.Hit this posting again if you can tell folks new or used and what you'd like to spend and will tell you more specfically or if you are being resonable in expectation plus what you have thought about as potential contenders.
I have faced the same situation some time back and I went for the Conrad Johnson PV10A at one time and the Audio Research SP9II at another time. I still have both as they have met my expectations and cannot be replaced except with very much more expensive equipment. These preamps have different sound qualities and I interchange them ouce in awhile to enjoy their particular qualities. Then, I also interchange my preamps with a solid state Forte 2 or other preamp, sometime solid state, sometime tube, again for a different but equally satisfying flavor. Isn't this what this hobby if all about? That's why they make vanilla as well as chocolate ice cream.