The Perfect Speakers for Jeff Rowland Concerto Int

I have seen so many great reviews of Jeff Rowland Concerto Int. on Audiogon and I would like to ask what would be the prefect speaker to go with the Concerto.

Better yet, what would be the perfect system, digital, analog, speakers, cables, etc. based on the Concerto?
It would be happy with anything but most power- and current-hungry designs. But it really makes more sense to choose the speaker you like first.
Hey Drubin,

Thanks for your response.

I was just curious to see how fellow Audiogoners would set up the system. It is always interesting to see people exchange different ideas.

Please keep them coming!!
Just make sure you use balanced interconnects ..JRDG equipment is VERY biased to balanced cables.
I meant to say above that they would be happy with anything but THE most power- and current-hungry designs.
Hi Mjw55,

What if source has no balance output? Do you still suggest using balanced interconnect with adaptor?
