Tired of boring, polite, laid-back sound.....

Looking for a very lively, open, pulsating intergrated for less than 1k used...considering Arcam, MF, and Creek...basically leaning towards the Brits...am I in the right direction? Could sacrfice some refinement for energized, focused soundstaging....thanks...
I agree with jb on all counts. I have a 38 watt tube integrated and 101 db speakers. It's enough to bring the house down, and how they boogie!
If you can find a good high-efficiency speaker and a decent tube integrated amp for under $1K, that would certainly be an interesting possibility. The most dynamic setup I have ever heard was a horn speaker (about 103 dB efficient) and a hand-built tube amp rated at about 6 watts. I have never heard better reproduced piano... a key test for dynamics (sorry).

I think it would be hard to get this kind of setup for a grand but go for it if you can.
if you want some immedicy with power look at music fidelity they are the best itegrateds in the world except for one other brand the pathos .the pathos classic one is better than some 15.000.00 seperates
Check into an Onix a120 mkII at av123.com. Very lively sound with excellent detail and solid bass. Only about $700 internet direct.
if you want some immedicy with power look at music fidelity they are the best itegrateds in the world except for one other brand the pathos .the pathos classic one is better than some 15.000.00 seperates
I just spit up my oatmeal.